Attending Liturgical Services
Visitors and inquirers are welcome to attend the liturgical services at St. Mary Magdalene. However, receiving the Holy Mysteries is only for those baptized in the Coptic Orthodox Church or one of the sister Oriental Orthodox Churches.
Holy Communion - Concerning the reverence due to the Sacred Mysteries
“I want to remind you with what I repeatedly reiterated to you concerning our communion with the Holy sacraments which is of Christ. I see you in a state of extreme looseness, permissiveness, and lamentable recklessness. I weep over my condition and ask myself; Do these people really know for whom do they stand? Or do these people realize the power of the sacrament? At this thought, I become angry reluctantly. If I could go away, I would have left your community out of distraughtness. If I scold one of you, he disregards my words and resents the reprimands as if I were unfair to him. I am amazed that you do not get angry at those who violate you and plunder your possessions as much as you are angry at me; I who am keen over your salvation.
I dread the thought that God’s wrath may be inflicted upon you because of your disregard of this great sacrament. Do you really know who is He you want to partake of? This is the Holy Body of God the Word, and His blood that He offered for our salvation. Anyone who partakes in It undeservingly will suffer abominable punishment; as was the case of Judas who betrayed God when he had communion with Him without being worthy.” –Saint John Chrysostom
Q: Who may receive?
A: All individuals who have been baptized and/or chrismated into the Holy Oriental Orthodox Church, either as infants or adults, who are in good ecclesiastical standing with the Church. This includes the Coptic Orthodox Church, Syrian (Syriac) Orthodox Church of Antioch, Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church, Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church, and Malankara Syriac Orthodox Church of India.
Q: Who may not receive?
A: All individuals, who are not members of the Holy Oriental Orthodox Church through baptism and/or chrismation. This includes, but is not limited to, Latin (Roman) and Byzantine Catholics, Maronites, Chalcedonian Christians, all Protestant denominations, and all non-Christians. In addition, all Orthodox Christians who are not in good ecclesiastical standing with the Church, including all Orthodox Christians who have either married or divorced outside the Coptic Orthodox Church without meeting the proper conditions of either. All Orthodox Christians who have married non-Christians (i.e., Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, etc.) cannot participate in any sacrament of the Church until their spouses willingly accept to become Christians and their marriage is blessed in the Church.
Please see the priest following the Divine liturgy if you would like to speak about your particular situation and/or the Orthodox understanding of Holy Communion.
Instructions for those Baptized in the Coptic Orthodox Church or a sister Oriental Orthodox Church
Prerequisites for Participation in the Sacred Mysteries for Orthodox Christians:
Actively pursuing an Orthodox Christian life through attendance at the Divine Services, private prayer, observance of the fasting periods of the Church, and almsgiving, fasting on Wednesday and Friday during the week in which s/he is to receive the Holy Communion. (Note: Fasting should be done in consultation with an individual’s Father Confessor.) In addition, s/he is to eat and drink nothing on the morning which s/he is to receive. If there is a case of physical weakness or infirmity, s/he should discuss this with his Father Confessor.
It is not permissible for an Orthodox Christian to receive Holy Communion if s/he has consciously slandered anyone, taken a false oath, stolen, deceived anyone, or engaged in adultery or fornication. Nevertheless, all sins can be forgiven. But in order that sin may be forgiven—and in order that the Christian be fit to receive Holy Communion—s/he must confess his/her sin in the presence of a priest-confessor. The Priest will tell him/her if and when it is permissible to receive communion.
Etiquette for Receiving Holy Communion:
As the Priest prepares Holy Communion, we should read the ‘Prayer Before Communion’ privately.
We should proceed to receive Holy Communion in an orderly fashion. Women should remove their lipstick prior to receiving Holy Communion.
We should not talk to anyone while waiting to receive Holy Communion.
As we approach the Sacred Mysteries, we should make the sign of the cross.
We should be sure that the communion cloth is properly placed under the chin to receive any Holy Communion if it were to spill.
We should not allow the communion cloth to drop after we have received, but hand it to the next in line.
We should make the sign of the cross after receiving and proceed to our places quietly where we should read the ‘Prayer After Communion’.
We should not leave the church after receiving Holy Communion, but remain until the Divine Liturgy has ended, unless we have permission to do so.